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David Russell David Russell

The 4th and Final Secret is Sanctuary

Sanctuary is a combination of mental retreat, strategic planning, and self-accountability so you stay on track to achieve your best, not just something good... or "okay."

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David Russell David Russell

How to put expectations in writing

Last week I explained how to better hit your TARGETs in 2018. Today is the 2nd of my 4 secrets to make next year, your best year.

A major problem in the workplace is assumptions are made between coworkers, and between bosses and their direct reports.

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David Russell David Russell

What's the ONE thing for great leadership?

Deloitte says high leadership maturity leads to 37% higher revenue.

QUESTION: How effective are your leaders?

What's the ONE Thing that develops your young or less effective leaders to "high leadership maturity?"

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David Russell David Russell

Set 2018 TARGETS now

2018 is one month away. In the next 4 weeks you can learn my 4 secrets to make next year, your best year.

Let me start with goals, which I call TARGETs.

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David Russell David Russell

How the best stay focused

If you are flying one degree off-course you miss your target by 92 feet for every mile flown. For every 60 miles of flying you are one mile off your target.

That is just one degree off...

How do you stay on track to achieve your most important TARGETs, objectives, goals?

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David Russell David Russell

Hit your stride and build into 2018

Have you ever considered that you are in a race? The longer you wait to enter the race, the farther others are ahead of you.

No comprende? Let's try it again: Professionally, you are in a race, whether you like it or not. The truth is, others are ahead of you.

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David Russell David Russell

Simple, Sticky Deadlines

What percentage of the time do you hit your deadlines?

How about your coworkers, or direct reports?

A survey once concluded 75% of the reason I.T. projects fail is missed deadlines. How about your work?

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David Russell David Russell

Are you toast?

It's another morning.  Whether you bless it, or curse it, today has arrived! Some people fight the day plus each person, opportunity, and nuance that comes their way. That's no way to live your life.

Let me take you on a journey from toast, to aikido principles, to better leadership.

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David Russell David Russell

Passion & Audibles

It's another day in the trenches...  Picture this: You are on the line of scrimmage playing professional football against some incredibly large human beings. 

They want to hurt you.

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David Russell David Russell

Who ya gonna call?

I'm working on my next book which details my hiring system. Here is an excerpt:

Who you add to your team is critical to your success.  After you get the best people then you have to manage, develop, and retain them.  But you have to start with the right ingredients to get a great outcome.

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Leadership, Performance David Russell Leadership, Performance David Russell

3 Questions for a Leader

Here is a simple test of your leadership skills.  I suggest you not only rate yourself, but ask 3-5 people who have the strength to be candid how they would rate you.  Please do not request feedback from people who tell you what you want to hear or lack the guts to tell you the truth.

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