5 Tips To Grow Your Biz In Any Economy

Depending on the publication you read the economy into 2008 is either growing or contracting.  USA Today had an article on Tuesday, December 11 of this year from The Associated Press about hiring.

The article was titled, Firms plan about the same level of hiring - 22% plan to add jobs in January – March period.  It was written but Emily Fredrix.  The bottom line of the article is about 22% of employers who participated in the survey by Manpower plan to add jobs during the first quarter next year.  About 60% expect no change in hiring and only 11% expected decrease.

The economy is certainly facing some challenges, but with tribulation comes opportunity.  The most important thing you have to do is focus your time.  Here are five areas to focus on to grow your business during 2008 no matter what happens with the overall economy.  Of ccourse the first two heavily involve having Success With People in your organization.

1.  Employee productivity - the more efficient and effective your employees do their jobs the happier your customers will be, the faster your profits will grow, and the more fulfilled your employees will be in their work.

2. Employee retention - communicate job security to your employees through development plans and career paths so they understand not only where they’re going to be with your organization in 2008, but during the next three to five years.

3. Company strengths - confirm what you do best profitably as an organization and protect the resources that find that work.  These areas that differentiate yourself from competitors are the ones you need to protect, nurture and develop.

4. Careful marketing - promoting your business can waste more money more quickly than almost anything else you can do.  Identify the marketing you do that provides the highest return and focus your dollars in those areas to limit your exposure.

5. Customer retention - listen more carefully to your customers than ever before.  Should your competitors get squeezed they may approach your clients with unrealistic offers that will only serve to put themselves out of business.  Leverage your employee productivity and enthusiasm to make certain your clients clearly understand the high value you bring to their organization.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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