Job Killing You?

Readers Digest in their January 2008 issue has an article titled "Is Your Job Killing You?"  The article focuses on how high stress can bring about a heart attack.  People who are returning from the holidays to super-stressful jobs are at serious risk, particularly if they have already had one heart attack.  Canadian researchers tracked 972 people for six years after their first attack.  When those people returned to a high-stress job they experienced a second heart attack twice as often during the following two years as less-stressed workers.

Their advice is to try to avoid or prevent stress before it intensifies.  As I recommend in Sanctuary, they suggest some exercise or even seriously considering entering a cardiac rehab program.

Some of the quick tips Dr. Mehmet C. Oz in the article recommends include taking your stress out on a small ball such as a squeeze ball.  Throw it, bounce it, squeeze it and play with it until you feel better.  Give yourself a mini massage by taking your shoes off and rubbing your feet, bending your toes, ankles and arches to ease tension.  Or you can massage her hands.  Leave the office for some time or reflection.  And lastly, maybe get some flowers for your desk.

I won’t be writing another blog entry until January 2.  Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Recommendation: Kuleto’s


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