Validation of a Web Search

For some time now I have recommended that you do a Web search of any job candidate prior to your first interview.  The primary reason to do this at that time is to save you time.

Kathryn M. Tyranski reports and Readers Digest for January 2008 (page 21) that social networks like MySpace and Facebook are fun for sharing personal information, but jobcandidates often do not realize that potential employers are searching online for information about them.

A 2006 survey of hiring managers found that about two-thirds rejected someone after a Web search.  So keep on searching and make certain you do it at the beginning of the process so you protect your most valuable asset: your time.  As an effective leader you can’t afford to waste time on a risky candidate.  To learn more read about the seventh Desired Result in my Success With People system - Right Person Right Job.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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