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Manage 2 Win Manage 2 Win

#34 - Achieve More With the Right Focus

Previous episodes have discussed how to MAP your meetings, practice Sanctuary time, and use a Weekly WIN.

In this episode David brings it all together and shines a light on the over-arching theme of "focus". He tells a story of working with a client who was having trouble improving his business and shares the advice he gave to the client and would give to others seeking to improve their focus and reduce their workload.

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Jeff Russell Jeff Russell

#19 - Write-ups & the Performance Improvement Process (“PIP”)

One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is neglecting to hold their employees accountable. When someone is not performing up to company standards you must implement a Performance Improvement Process (PIP). In this episode, David shares a few stories of clients who failed to properly correct employee behavior with a PIP, then goes on to describe what a PIP is, why it is important, and how to implement it.

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