First Lap Delusions

I try to swim three times a week and in the Fall love to join high school boys water polo practices with my old friend Carl's team.  

The first lap of a swim workout set is a gift.  I imagine myself as strong, the water feels wonderful, and there is a sense that I can do anything.  It is a refreshing taste of life.

But I can't do anything...

I work harder as the set of swimming multiple 50's, 100's or whatever diabolical plot Carl has devised for our workout continues, but often move slower.  I struggle to keep up with Carl.  He goes faster the longer he swims, which makes me feel like the proverbial hare in a race with the tortoise.

What are First Lap Delusions in leadership?  This is where we can be too excited about something early on and then it is a struggle to follow through, if not a total disaster due to our lack of follow-up or our choice was wrong in the first place:

  • Hiring Dr. Jekyll and getting Mr. Hyde
  • Setting goals and returning to them daily/weekly for focus
  • Signing-up a new vendor and then completing their sales plan / certifications
  • Spreading ourselves too thin, even with the best of intentions
  • Announcing a permanent change when we should have done a pilot...

I am not pointing the finger at you.  These are my struggles too, but that does not mean we allow ourselves to be repeatedly deceived by them.  Being aware of obstacles gives us the ability to plan our way around and past them.

Enjoy your first laps.  They are a blessing.  Just be prepared for the challenges of the full workout.


  1. Did you take Sanctuary time over the weekend to improve your focus?
  2. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  3. Have you defined your 3Strands for this week?
  4. By 9:00 a.m. this morning you should have 3Strands emails from each of your direct reports.

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Drawing the Line


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