Day 117 | Bring or Give?

Robert Morris did a guest talk at Willow Creek on March 2 that gave me a new perspective and renewed dedication in an area of my life that has been reasonably strong...  but could be stronger.

Apply this test to your leadership:  One point that he made was that you never "give" a tithe, but rather you "bring" a tithe because you cannot give something that does not belong to you.

Where is your ego a bit too strong because you feel you are giving something to your employees, whereas in reality you are simply bringing the basic requirements that are mandatory for owners and leaders?

For instance, you want:

To be the leader, but you do not want to invest time managing, developing, and retaining certain employees;

Employees to achieve more, but you do not help them define clear, measurable goals and achieve them; or

To maximize profits, but customer loyalty is less than it could be because you are not fully engaging your employees.

Maybe you need to stop getting frustrated because you feel you are giving so much, and start focusing on really bringing your best game.  Email me if you want help on focus and improving your Systematic Leadership.

To remind you, we slashed the price of our LEADERSHIP Essentials Academy to just $295 monthly per company for online content, and only $295 per person for two days of in-person LEADERSHIP Essentials training. Click here to join our Academy (includes access to Dave's Charm School for I.T. Geeks soft skills training)

And confirm your seat here for our June 5-6 Academy in Belmont, New Hampshire!


  1. How did you do on your 3Strands this week?
  2. At the end of today or at least before 9:00 a.m. Monday take Sanctuary time and hold yourself accountable to this week's 3Strands and define your 3Strands for next week?

Stay on track. 

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Day 118 | Power of Dictums


Make History