Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What's Your ONE?

Day 99

I believe it was three years ago that Arnie Bellini at IT Nation challenged ConnectWise partners to define, What's your ONE?

I have heard this mantra elsewhere, but Arnie articulated it particularly well.  I suggest this is a great way to start the New Year.

     1.  Assess how well you did on your 2013 clear, measurable goals;  and on a scale of 1-10 how fully engaged your company culture is.

     2.  Define your clear, measurable goals for 2014.

     3.  Define the ONE most important objective you have for this New Year.

I have done this, but my ONE is confidential.  Possibly it can be revealed at year-end.

Accept this challenge:  Define the ONE most important thing you want to achieve in 2014.  Do it now, and review it daily during January.  Edit your ONE if you must, but lock it in by month-end.  Then continue to review it daily to retain your focus.

When should you review your ONE?

Some people feel the best time is just before you go to bed.  I leave it up to you.

It is Monday.  ACCOUNTABILITY TIME (that you asked for)!

     1.  How did you do on your 3Strands last week (or have you just returned from a long holiday break)?

     2.  What are your 3Strands for this week?

     3.  Have you defined your 2014 goals

Your Clients' satisfaction with your company cannot exceed the loyalty and engagement of your employees.  Email me if you need help.

BE a 



 - Systematic Leadership, inspiring others in Meaningful Work, and consistently expressing Sincere Gratitude to the people around you.

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Only The Best


Christmas Leadership Lesson #3 of 3