Only The Best

Day 101

In the last month I have worked with two great Clients to help their teams develop their Company Culture Cornerstones.  This is a pivotal meeting that allows everyone to participate in defining the foundation of their organization.

There is one problem:   In each case the employee in charge of buying the lunch for everyone bought low-cost pizza.

I suggest that if you want your people to only do their best for your Clients, then you need to communicate that your employees always get your best.

When it comes to meals or snacks at meetings, serve only GREAT food.  This clearly  communicates, "My people deserve only the best," whether you saved or not.  

Serve the best to visiting Clients and sales prospects.  If they comment on the quality of the food, then simply say, "Our pleasure."  As an option you might add, "You deserve it."

It is Monday.  ACCOUNTABILITY TIME (that you asked for)!

  1. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  2. What are your 3Strands for this week?
  3. When was the last time you looked at your 2014 goals

Email me if you struggling to achieve your top priorities.

BE a 



Systematic Leadership, inspiring others in Meaningful Work, and consistently expressing Sincere Gratitude to the people around you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Beat The Bully


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What's Your ONE?