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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability Essentials - Culture

Day 66

Once you get beyond the Individual essentials of accountability, then consider your Company Culture Cornerstones.  I explain these in my book, The Company Culture Challenge, and help Clients define them as part of our LEADERSHIP Essentials Academy and Service.

1.  Mission :  This is why you are in business.  I prefer short statements that are memorable and spark a conversation.  Sometimes, not always, a mission can also serve as a slogan.

Make downtime obsolete - Alvarez Technology Group
We enable Clients to achieve more than they would on their own - Rivercity Solutions
No bad bosses - MANAGEtoWIN

2.  Vision .  This defines whereyou are going as an organization.  It may be something accomplishable, such as a financial or market share number.  Or it can be a long-term aspiration.

No surprises - Rivercity Solutions
To grow our Clients' business rather than just meet their IT needs - Motor City Technology
To be the best leadership investment our Clients ever make - MANAGEtoWIN

3.  Values .  This is how we do business.  We suggest best practice is 3-10 values.  They can be a single word, couple of words, or a phrase.  There should be four statements defining each one, or 1-3 paragraphs.  Your values enable your people to make decisions on their own.

4.  Accountability .  Too often people write a mission, vision, and some values, but do not have any accountability to live them out.  This is where Systematic Leadership comes in.  Without accountability to live out your Company Culture Cornerstones you risk having your organization become a "strain of the Enron virus" - great values etched in marble, but not lived out.

Do you have these Accountability Essentials in your organization?

Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.