Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability Essentials - Individual

Day 65

Summer is almost over so before we race into the 4th Quarter sprint for results, consider this week's focus on Accountability Essentials.  These are the basics, and quite frankly, too often we move beyond the Essentials before mastering them.

Today's focus:  The Accountability Essentials of an Individual.

1.  Character:  Demonstrate character, hire for character, reward for character, and do not be or tolerate a character.

2.  Strengths:  Know your natural strengths and those of your team so you align people's responsibilities with their strengths.  Natural strengths = on the job behaviors and values that drive those behaviors.  Consider our Talent Assessment Servicefor a low cost way to confirm the strengths of your team and job candidates.  Hold them accountable to achieving results based on their strengths.

3.  Passion:  Understand everyone's passion.  What makes the work they do for you meaningful?  Hold them accountable to doing that work, and/or regularly recognizing why their work is personally fulfilling to them.

4.  Hiring:  Hire systematically.  Consider my Hire The Best & Avoid The Rest system if you want to get systematic quickly.  One key tip:  Go beyond the "first date" experience where everyone is on their best behavior and get your job candidates to talk outside their script.

5.  Systematic Leadership:  Have a strong enough company culture where there is a balance between employees holding themselves accountable, and their manager providing encouraging, regular, systematic accountability.

Do you do practice these Accountability Essentials regularly?

If not, then you are leaving a lot of money "on the table" when you stop work each day.  You might want to schedule a free call with me to discuss your challenges.
Consistency requires systems.  I encourage you to check your Weekly 3Strands and/or daily W.I.N. today and every day to confirm your progress.  And to do the same with your direct reports 3Strands and/or daily W.I.N.

Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability Essentials - Culture


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