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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Fools Part 2

Day 54

Wait!  Do NOT delete me!  (LOL...)  This takes less than 43 seconds to consider the second attribute of a foolish leader.  Just breathe in, sip your hot brew, and consider...

"The way of a fool is right in his own opinion, but the one who listens to advice is wise."  (Proverbs 12:15)

This one is complicated...  as many of you know who have gotten BAD advice.

Here are some reasons I have learned it is better to listen to advice rather than turn it off too quickly:

1.  Sometimes the other person is right.

2.  Often times the other person gives me an idea how to improve, even if they are only partially right or even totally wrong.

3.  Yesterday's lesson indicates if you let the other person talk they will either validate their conclusions... or their foolishness.  There is typically value in hearing the person out for a reasonable amount of time.

4.  Seek the advice of more than one person.

5.  Seek advice from people who have your best interests at heart and the courage to tell you when they believe you are wrong.

I close with a similar encouragement to yesterday:

Do not follow the advice of a fool, or the well-intentioned yet incorrect advice of a typically wise person.

P.S.  You did confirm that you achieved your 3Strands last week and defined your next BOLD MOVES (3Strands) for this week, didn't you?  (And followed-up with your team on their 3Strands and daily W.I.N.?)

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.