Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Sinal's Reminder

Day 23
Sinal Patel, our superstar LEADERSHIP Essentials consultant, reminded me recently:

A company's client experience will never exceed their employee experience.

Why?  Because if your employees are not fully engaged then your client experience suffers.

Think about whether you need to improve your employee hiring, management, development or retention systems during your Sanctuary time this weekend.  Email me if you want to discuss our programs to help you.

It is the end of the week.  Work hard to close out your important tasks today and make certain your team is completing theirs.

1.  3 Strands:  Did you get them all done?  How about your people?  Be an encourager, but firm on accountability equally with yourself and your people.  Before you leave today, draft your 3 Strands for next week - a four-day workweek for most people.

CONSIDER:  Are your people fully engaged in the 3 Strands process, serving their peers, and providing a consistently incredible experience for your clients?  If not, then why wait to take action?

Your company's client experience will never exceed your employee experience.

2.  Daily W.I.N.:  If you are using the daily W.I.N. system personally or with your team, then take some time to consider how well it is working for you.  I sent tips in my last email.   am writing a book for a client to use as a business card.  This is the second one I have written for them.  I want to make a lot of progress - at least 50% done, if not more because we have a fairly detailed outline. 

CONSIDER:  Are your people accomplishing significant tasks daily?  Anyone can look busy.  Are they getting the important stuff done?  What can you do as a pilot this next week to confirm your people are truly focused on critical activities without micro-managing them?

Your company's client experience will never exceed your employee experience. 

3.  Celebrate Memorial Day.  We are free in America because others gave their time, energy, resources, and even their lives.  We are very blessed.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank You.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / No Excuses


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / W.I.N. Tip