Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / No Excuses

Day 24
It is the day after Memorial Day, a three day weekend.
The kids will be finishing up school.
There are year-end parties for my children's class(es).
Summer is almost here...

Folks, the Systematic Power of leadership systems is that you follow your systems regularly to achieve outstanding results.

No excuses, personal or professional.  Stay focused.

It is a NEW WEEK and we are blessed to have another day to live life to its fullest!

So, "let's do this thing" called LEADERSHIP!

1.  3 Strands:  How did you do on your 3 Strands last week?  (I completed my two.)  I sincerely hope you were successful.

What are your 3 Strands for this week?  CONFIRM:  Are your 3 Strands helping you achieve your Goals That Work (clear, measurable, annual goals) for 2013?

How about your direct reports?  Are they completing their 3 Strands?  Do they relate to their annual goals?  Are they truly challenging enough, or are people coasting?

2.  Daily W.I.N.:  If you are using a daily W.I.N. system then follow the same drill as for your 3 Strands, but the focus is on daily objectives.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Big Idea


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Sinal's Reminder