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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / W.I.N. Tip

Day 22
Q:  What makes a daily W.I.N. (What's Important Now) different from a to-do list?

A:   A to-do list never dies.  When you do not finish something on your list, or if you never even start it, the to-do just stays there day after day...  into eternity.

We do not allow that with a daily W.I.N.

Write each W.I.N. statement like you would a 3 Strands or Goals That Work objective - clear and measurable.

Therefore if yourto-do list looks like this...

1.  Update the employee handbook

2.  Create a PowerPoint presentation for Jones & Company

3.  Post something on my blog

Then yourW.I.N. for that day might look like...

1.  Complete 25% of my editing of the employee handbook

2.  Complete the draft of written copy for the Jones & Company PPT

3.  Post something on my blog

Also, hold yourself accountable to the previous day's W.I.N. before defining the new day's W.I.N.  Complete each action fully and celebrate your W.I.N.!  (Have a jelly bean.  President Reagan loved them.)  Personal accountability is a big part of the Systematic Power behind a daily W.I.N.

The process above applies to your 3 Strands also.

Let me know if I can help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.