Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability

Day 5 - it is the end of the week.  As I mentioned in Day 2 of this series, sometime between late Friday and early morning on Monday is ideal for Sanctuary.  This is a time of personal accountability.

I am starting early.  Let me give you an example based on my 3 Strands for the week:


I started this "daily" newsletter six business days ago.  One of my objectives this week was to assess whether it is helping people.  Based on emails I am receiving the answer is "yes."  However, I remain committed to writing a full newsletter (instead of this) with a new idea most weeks, so this is not really a "daily" communication.  Plus, I do not send these emails on weekends or holidays.

What I am asked for is accountability.  These communications are a bit more like reminders, but we could call it "soft accountability" or encouragement.  This is why I changed the name from "Daily Leadership Tips" to "LEADERSHIP Accountability."

Status:  Complete.


I am writing a book for a client.  This is the second one I have written for them.  I want to make a lot of progress - at least 50% done, if not more because we have a fairly detailed outline. 

Status:  Complete (on track to be by the end of tomorrow).

NOTE:  I do some work on Saturdays because we adopted a sibling group of four kids.  Making time for our three biological children, these children, my wife and exercise interrupts my work days so I often work a bit in the mornings and sometimes the afternoons of Saturdays.  For instance, at the moment, my wife is spending four days with our granddaughter and I'm taking care of the four new kids on my own.  This interrupts my work.


Improve my focus, particularly in the area of presenting the benefits of our new Certle application to manage multiple vendor programs and technical certifications, and MANAGEtoWIN software and services.

Status:  Complete - I made good progress this week.  Yes, this Strand is not as clear and measurable as a typical weekly objective that supports my annual Goals That Work.  However it is critical to my ability to achieve my Goals That Work this year.

How about you?  Why not give Sanctuary a try this weekend and define your 3 Strands for the upcoming week.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Monday Routine


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Daily W.I.N.