Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Daily W.I.N.

Day 4

Yesterday I gave a brief overview of a weekly 3 Strands.  Your 3 Strands system holds people accountable to achieving weekly progress towards their clear, measurable annual goals.
But many people need to improve their focus on achieving daily key objectives.  We call this a daily W.I.N. (What's Important Now - this name is from the great leaders at Solid Networks in Modesto, California).
Your daily W.I.N. is similar to the 3Strands, but it is a daily exercise.  (We want your people to FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.)  Here it is:
Each day have your people define the 1-3 key things they have to get done, listed in order of priority.  Over time these activities should lead to achieving their annual goals and often relate to their 3Strands for the week.

Require your people to email you the following information daily before 9:00 a.m.:
  • Their W.I.N. from the prior day and how they did.
  • Their W.I.N. for today.
You may also want to discuss their W.I.N. briefly in-person if you work in the same office.
You may suggest that they change the priority of their list or replace something with another activity.  This provides you with the opportunity to give directions in-writing than to have them invest their valuable time working on less important tasks.
Here is an example of a W.I.N. email:
  1. Conference calls with Ralph and Leadership Team - COMPLETE
  2. Client Interactions - Reach out to Clients to request deliverables - COMPLETE
  3. Complete at least one soft skills training - COMPLETE
  1. Provide feedback to Clients (Jennifer Smith) and continue reaching out to Clients who requested feedback
  2. Work on strategic plans for May of U.S. Ag (12 requested)
  3. Prepare for call with MHWT
The daily W.I.N. process takes about five minutes for your people to create and update, and a minute for you to review.  It is a very time efficient yet effective process to keep people on track.
WARNING:  This is NOT a to-do list that lives forever.  You must accomplish your W.I.N.'s daily or it indicates your leadership systems are broken.

Let me know if you need help.
Thank you.

Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.
David Russell, CEO

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / 3 Strands