LIVE IT - Learn From The Best

Just how good is your Client experience compared to companies that are SUPERSTARS at exceeding their customers' expectations?
I teach you how to improve your Client experience as the first step of the book Rob Betzel and I wrote, The Company Culture Challenge.
Vince Fung of Debian IT, a Canadian Client, 17 year industry veteran, and a great guy applied the Live It portion of our 5-step system for improving your client experience last weekend.
He decided to have a team building/customer service retreat with his entire team last weekend up in Banff, Alberta.  As one of the pre-retreat exercises, Vince sent his staff out in teams of three with the "Live It/Learn from the Best" exercise recommended in my book.
Each team was given $80 in cash to shop and test a local business that they felt had exceptional customer service.  Later during the retreat, they debriefed about the exercise.
The result:  Vince says, "...The learning and insights that we gained from that exercise was phenomenal!"
P.S.  You may notice my signature has changed below.  We discussed it as a team.  My calling is to teach people to become systematic leaders.  Part of that is being intentional, so my encouragement to you is...   
Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts. 

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

