Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / D + V + P = Change

Day 91

This past Wednesday I spent some time with Glenn Bergsma of Evolve Leadership, an old friend and partner of Tim Brewer.  He specializes in change management.  

He suggested the following equation brings about successful change.  I find this to be very consistent with leaders who hire us to improve their company culture and/or leadership systems to hire, manage, develop, and retain great people.  How about you?

D + V + P = Change

Drive:  You are dissatisfied with your current circumstances.  You have had enough and want to change.

Vision:  You need a vision for what it looks like when you move beyond your bad habits today and the loss those behaviors are causing.

Process:  You have a proven process to bring about AND SUSTAIN the change you want to make.

These three decisions bring about lasting change when implemented with discipline and Systematic Power.

It is worth it to pause and consider this...  Have you had enough pain and want to change?  Are you working with someone to help you develop a vision for the change you want to accomplish, and does that person/team have a proven process to help you successfully change your leadership habits and/or company culture?

That's worth some Sanctuary time over a cup of java without interruptions to ponder.

D + V + P = Change (often, much needed change)

Our most popular program for change is All-In LEADERSHIP.  As you approach 2014, consider what you need to change and start the process now to maximize your results next year.

And do not forget... IT IS FRIDAY!  A basic part of an Accountability Culture is following-up on your weekly 3 Strands to confirm you made progress on your most important 2013 goals this week.  If you are using a daily W.I.N. (What's Important Now), then how did you do yesterday?  What's your plan today?

Do not forget to hold your people accountable too.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Top 5 Operational Mistakes


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Time Entry - NO EXCUSES!