Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Time Entry - NO EXCUSES!

Day 90

I did a workshop with some Clients this past Saturday after IT Nation.  Rex Frank of Sea Level Ops and John Kilian of Antfarm gave the morning presentations (thank you!).

Rex said something every MSP / I.T. solution provider must embrace:  Technical employees MUST enter their billable time as they do the work.  NO EXCUSES.

The response I hear when I say this to you is, "That's not realistic."

Rex, who has decades as a service manager (and little ol' me) disagree.  If you cannot get your people to enter time as they do the work, or at the very least, by the end of each day, then I believe one of three things is happening:

1.  Your standard for employee behavior is too low.

2.  You standards for employee behavior is good, but you are not enforcing it.

3.  You are not hiring the right caliber of people.

All three of these issues point to one core problem:  You.  It is not the employees fault if you fail in the three areas above.  Do not complain about THEM.  Get help.

Start today to learn how to be more systematic with your employees so the metrics / standards of your organization are the "bad cop" and you just train them, encourage them, and hold your people accountable to the metrics.

SPECIAL OFFERS:  Our IT Nation Show Specials are extended through this Friday.  Email me if you want information.  Or learn how to do this on your own.  Just develop better systems for how you hire, manage, develop, and retain top performers.

Procrastinating on your leadership systems is costing you too much money, time, and energy.  Please do something about it for your sake, and the benefit of your employees and Clients.

IT IS MONDAY!  Accountability time...

Did you complete your 3Strands for last week.  Have you defined your 3Strands for this week!  We have less than 5 weeks until the Christmas slowdown and next week gets interrupted by Thanksgiving.

Go for it.  You never get to live these days again.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / D + V + P = Change


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