Testing - Part 2

Last week I introduced the question, “Is it a good thing when you are tested?” I then discussed the importance of having a firm foundation of four company culture cornerstones upon which to make your decisions when testing occurs.

This will be brief so please give it a quick scan through to my conclusion. What happens when we embrace testing as an opportunity rather than a problem?

Saint Paul in the book of Romans writes, "And not only this but we exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulations bring about perseverance; perseverance, proven character; proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint..."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born to wealth in pre-World War II Germany. He could have done anything in his life, but he chose to pastor a small church. As the Nazis rallied the churches to support their extermination of the Jews, Bonhoeffer stood against them. Most of us cannot comprehend the challenges he faced.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. faced challenge after challenge, hatred, violence, death threats and more yet he never wavered from his vision of equality for people of all heritages. Consider for a moment how it would hurt to be treated as Dr. King was in those days.

Both of these leaders had clearly defined their mission, values, vision and how they would be held accountable for their actions. Because of this preparation, each test could be accepted with joy, thankfulness and viewed as an opportunity for growth rather than a challenge too great to overcome.

QUESTION #2: What happens when you fully commit yourself to change the world, improve your community or even demonstrate greater love for only one individual?

ANSWER: Testing, and if you pass the test then Significance. Meaning. Purpose. Peace. Joy. Love. Satisfaction. None of these benefits occur without the test, yet this is what we all want to experience. So why not pause and smile the next time you are tested. Ask yourself, "What am I supposed to learn through this opportunity?"

Then what happens? Tune in next week for one last quick, very important thought on Testing.

TESTING (2 of 3) is a good thing even though it can be very painful. For instance, Michael Phelps is a great swimmer in part because he has to push himself to win when competing against others. He has to move beyond strained muscles, fatigue, mental challenges and more.

In the same way leaders in every company are stronger and find their work more fulfilling when they embrace challenges rather than fear them. Here are some ideas to discuss with your team this week about being tested:

What is the biggest test you have faced in the last week?

How did it make you feel when you were first faced with this situation? How many times before have you faced a similar test? What did you do to pass the test or overcome the challenge? How did you feel after you passed the test? Do you need to let go of some negative feelings so you can move on more strongly? Is there something you learned through the test that you can apply in the future to either avoid or more quickly overcome similar challenges?

Commit to pausing and thinking before you speak or act when you are tested over the next week.  Consider how you can work with a partner to discuss daily the tests you have faced and how you responded.  Keep track of what you learn and share the results during your next team meeting.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Ted: Stanley McChrystal


Be On A Mission!