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Cool way to speed-up email (NRR)

Bnet sent out tips from Get Predictable Success on how to use email more effectively. Here’s a brief summary. For the complete info, go here.

The key is to limit your subject line to 60 characters or less and then give instruction via 3 letters. The objective is to enable people to avoid opening brief emails. For instance:

(EOM) = End of Message – i.e. New employee party in the lunch room at 3pm (EOM)

(NRR) = No Reply Required – i.e. Copy of the article you requested is attached (NRR)

(Y/N) = Yes / No – i.e. Are you joining us for lunch today? (Y/N)

(RB+) = Reply By (date) – i.e. When will you get me your sales report? (RB 2 days)

(AB+) = Action By (date) – i.e. Send employee turnover report (AB 1 day)

(PYR) = Per Your Request – i.e. Russell’s job description (PYR)

Certainly if everyone used better written subject lines it would help us all work through out Inbox faster and achieve greater Success With People. Have an awesome day!