More 4-Day Workweeks

TIME Magazine (July 14, 2008) has an article titled, 10 Things You Can Like About $4 Gas. As a leader you may want to consider all of them, but #3 is a MUST READ:

Companies, colleges and governments are moving to four-day workweeks. Here are the benefits Brevard Community College in Cocoa, Florida has experienced when they tested four work days during the 2007 summer session:

  • Saved $268,000 in energy costs
  • Sick leave fell 50%
  • Employee turnover among the 1,500-person staff dropped 44%.

“We thought the energy savings would be a plus. But the reaction was about what it meant to people’s family lives and their ability to take care of themselves,” says college president Jim Drake. Brevard is doing four-day weeks again this summer and may make the change year-round.

It’s clear a 4-day workweek results in Success With People. Employees are more engaged, healthy and loyal. Look at how it is positively affecting employees’ lives!!

I think we all better shift to a 4-day workweek ASAP. How about you?

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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