Class of ‘08 in High Demand

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the college Class of 2008 will have a great opportunity to find a job of their dreams as employers have indicated they plan to hire 16% more new college graduates than they hired last year.

“The job market for new college graduates has been gathering strength over the last several years, and this year we’re seeing that trend continue,” commented Marilyn Mackes, NACE executive director. The fact is this is the fifth year in a row that college hiring has projected double-digit increases.

Apparently almost 58% of employers responding to the NACE survey say they plan to increase their college hiring while 36% say they will maintain college hiring at 2006-07 levels.

The challenge for small companies is how to train these college hires. In 2008 watch for a new book and services from Success With People so you can learn how to systematically transform recent college graduates into your next star performers and/or hire us to help.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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