Lots of Money - Poor Results

American universities are investing millions and in some cases billions of dollars in their infrastructure.  The result is the rich campuses get richer.  But what about the results?  Too many universities are not doing an adequate job of preparing students with marketable skills to perform well upon graduation.

Think what this type of money could do to reform an overburdened theory emphasis with real-life business skills training…

From the article, Just Add Cash - The great expanding American university, The Economist 12/01/2007:
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has a $1 billion expansion programme, including its curvy, $300m Stata Centre.

Over the next 50 years Harvard University is going to construct a brand new campus on a 200-acre swathe of Boston it conveniently owns.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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