Get Your Board Ready

BusinessWeek had an article awhile back titled, How The Best Boards Stay Clued In.  I think the recommendations are very solid and I’d like to share a quick overview of them with you now.  As you approach 2008 it’s a good idea to consider how to more fully utilize your Board of Directors.

Consider engaging your Directors to:

1.  Know what is happening at the customer level.  They need to talk with customers, including unhappy ones.

2.  Have your encouragement to talk openly with employees — particularly new mid- and upper-level managers.  They need to hear first-hand from these folks what challenges they are facing.  They should have open access of how to contact any employee.

3.  Meet a minimum of four times a year and a maximum of twelve times a year.  They are not running a company, but overseeing it.  Do not let the two objectives get confused.

4.  Experience informal dinners with key managers and even superstar employees.

5.  Hear and challenge detailed strategy reviews from top managers or even new business ideas pitched by a superstar employee who is not in management.

6.  Visit your business unannounced without you being around to see how things operate when the boss is away. 

7.  Candidly pass along compliments and complaints, along with their thoughts to the CEO.  Boards walk a fine line between good governance and taking over.  They should error more in the former of supporting good governance.  They are welcome to look around, but like a kid in a china shop they should not touch.

Consider managing your Board like you manage your team.  Although they don’t report to you, they need to be encouraged to fully understand your business.  If they do it is more likely they will stand behind you when you need their support.  And their perspective will be much more valuable to you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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