
How PURE is your hiring?  P.U.R.E. stands for Previously Undetected Recruiting Errors according to someone I was speaking with this week.

I’ve got some one new client lately who is experiencing great surprise when a new hire is starting.  Their behaviors are not what was expected.  Of course, this client is NOT using our Talent Assessments.  If he was, then he would have a much better understanding of what to expect.

Another client has 1/3 of their workforce unmotivated and a possible flight risk.  Once again, they need to leverage our Talent Assessments to learn how to better engage their people.

This is one time in life where you to NOT want to be PURE.  Purchase our Talent Assessments get us involved in your hiring process.  If you hire 50 people this year and we save you from one bad hire, then you have paid for the entire cost of the assessments AND you will save yourself hundreds of hours and additional money wasted on hires that do not work out.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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