All Podcast Episodes

Manage 2 Win Manage 2 Win

#34 - Achieve More With the Right Focus

Previous episodes have discussed how to MAP your meetings, practice Sanctuary time, and use a Weekly WIN.

In this episode David brings it all together and shines a light on the over-arching theme of "focus". He tells a story of working with a client who was having trouble improving his business and shares the advice he gave to the client and would give to others seeking to improve their focus and reduce their workload.

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Manage 2 Win Manage 2 Win

#32 - Former ConnectWise HR Guru Talks Leadership and Culture

Michelle Griffin was the former head of HR at ConnectWise during their rapid growth phase and oversaw the people side of multiple acquisitions, mergers, and dissolutions. In this episode she shares how a good human resources department can play a vital role in the development of a positive company culture and mitigation of workplace drama. You can learn more about her at

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