#137 – How to Turn Around a Brilliant Jerk in Your Organization, with Dr. Katrina Burrus

Dr. Katrina Burrus is the Founder and CEO of Excellent Executive Coaching. She is also an expert at how to manage “brilliant jerks.” Do you have any of those in your organization?

Transforming a superstar who offends others can be quite a challenge. That’s why many large corporations and nimble smaller organizations call the good doctor for her analytical, proven approach to help any superstar crush their bad habits so they can fully achieve their potential. Join our discussion to hear how she does it.

Katrina Burrus, PhD, MCC, along with her team, enable leaders to harness their brilliance and engage followers through a unique "Fast Track to Success" program. They specialize in helping tenacious but frustrated leaders add missing interpersonal skills so they are promoted more rapidly.

Dr. Burrus has written two books in French: Global Nomadic Leaders; When the Visionary is Blinded: Coaching Brilliant and Abrasive Leaders; and one in French and English, Managing Brilliant Jerks: How Organizations and Coaches can Transform a Difficult Leader into a Powerful Visionary.

A sample of her clients include Nestle, Philip Morris, United Bank of Switzerland, Novartis, Givaudan, Levi’s, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas, United Nations, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, International Labor Office, UNAIDS, et al.


#138 - Tips from the #1 Authority on Trust-Based Selling, with Ari Galper


#136 – Synoptic Alchemy - A Mindset and Repeatable Process to Maximize Success, with Steven Cardinale