The ONE Thing Webinar Series - Part 2

This morning our webinar covered LIES #3-6 from the book, The ONE Thing.

If you truly want a better 2018, listen to this webinar and scan the PPT deck to learn what others are saying is life-changing wisdom.

The ONE Thing - Discussion of insights with Dave (2 of 4) from MANAGEtoWIN, Inc. on Vimeo.

Today we discussed:

LIE #3 - A Disciplined Life

LIE #4 - Willpower Is Always on Will-Call

LIE #5 - A Balanced Life

LIE #6 - Big is Bad

Access the files via these links: Video | Audio | PDF | PPT

You can also consider our folder of webinars.

On February 5th, the 1st webinar of this series discussed the first three introductory chapters, and LIE#1 - Everything Matters Equally; and LIE#2 - Multitasking. You can access those files below.

ONE Thing webinar #1 of 4: Video | Audio | PDF | PPT

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

The ONE Thing Webinar Series - Part 3


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