Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / The Big Delegate BUT

Day 73

To be an effective leader you have to delegate.  This is one of the key principles behind systematic leadership and Goals That Work, including my 3Strands process.

However, there is a
big BUT (that is one "t" in "but" although it is tempting to add the second).  What about the work that only you can do?

This morning, if you have not already done it, please consider:

1.  How well you completed your key objectives - 3Strands - for last week.  Avoid a to-do list.  Focus on your 1-3 most important objectives only and let the other stuff fit in where it can.

2.  What is the primary value you bring to your organization?  What do you do that is far above the natural skills or current ability of others?  This needs to be the focus of your 3Strands this week and moving forward.  

Do what only you can do.  Delegate the rest.

3.  Schedule time to train your people.  Not a helicopter drop passing a "hot potato," but rather scheduled time over a 30-90 day period to help people develop new habits.

WHY?  So you can delegate more and thus focus more time on the highest value you bring to your company.

Leaders are in management positions, but in strong organizations, many "leaders" have no one reporting to them.  This advice applies to all.

Define your 3Strands strategically.  Otherwise you spend too much time working for your business instead of on it, and you get stuck in rut that is not as fulfilling.

Let me know if you need help.  Click here to subscribe to my newsletters.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / A Takeaway from American Airlines


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / It's All About YOU!