Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Fools Part 4

Day 56

Proverbs is all about wisdom, so today's focus of wisdom should be expected... BUT can you slow down enough to better comprehend and more fully apply this advice as a game-changer?

Here is a quick gut check.  Be candid:

1.  As a leader, is there something you know you must do to improve your leadership or company culture, but you keep procrastinating?

2.  Have you been inspired to work on your business instead of inyour business, but you have not made the time to make the change?

3.  Are you so busy that you are not regularly reading/listening to the knowledge of others, fully considering advice, and/or making the time to listen (not talk) to Clients - AND APPLY WHAT YOU LEARN?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then I suggest you have allowed yourself to operate without systems to apply what you learn.  The result is chaos in your schedule and results that are less than you desire.

The second part of Proverbs 1:7 says: 

"...but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
If you love wisdom and instruction, you will apply it.

If you allow yourself to be distracted with lesser priorities, then you essentially "despise" the wisdom and instruction you gain but do not apply.

Take a stand today and make a change.  Why wait any longer?

Need help?  We teach leaders like yourself every day in our LEADERSHIP EssentialsService and Academy, and Accountability Culture program (2 openings left).  The typical return on accountability ("R.O.A.") our Clients seek is $100-250,000 annually from our services.

Let me know if you would like to discuss your challenges.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Fools Part 5


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Fools Part 3