Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What You Get Out of Life

Day 50

This is my 50th issue in addition to over 200 full newsletters.  It is a milestone and an opportunity to share one of my favorite reflections from John Ortberg:

"What you get out of life is the person you become."

If this statement does not make you pause, then go get another cup of coffee and come back to read it again.

Certainly you can go in many directions from here, but our focus is Accountability and Systematic Leadership.  Here are  some quick thoughts:

1.  Specifically, in a clear, measurable way, what type of leader do you want to become?  Have you actually defined your destiny this way?  I suggest you list three behaviors you hold yourself accountable to consistently demonstrate.  (Maybe one or more of these you need to develop.)

2.  When we die, the people who love us the most will describe our characternot our achievements, wealth, or status.  What are the three most significant aspects of your character that you want people to discuss when you have left this temporary world.

3.  This week post a Task in Outlook to remind you to ask yourself at the end of each day:  "Based on my behaviors today, am I becoming the leader I want to be?" 

It is Monday.  What a wonderful week to achieve 3 Strands of significanceafter you hold yourself, and your direct reports, accountable to last week's 3 Strands.

For those of you using the daily W.I.N., please follow through on those in an encouraging way to motivate yourself and those around you.

Let me know if you need help.

P.S.  August 22-23 and October 24-25 are our final LEADERSHIP EssentialsAcademies this year.  Email me immediately if you are an Academy member who wants to attend either event but you do not have a written confirmation from us yet, or if you would like to join our Academy.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What's Your SMaC?


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / He Bet It All