Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / 50% Depends on People

Day 48

MSPmentor has an interesting article today discussing the changes in MSP software.  At the end Joe Panettieri makes four predictions for 2105 that you need to be working on today, whether you are a managed services provider or in another business:

Some Challenges Will Never Change:  The four biggest issues facing MSPs in 2015 will be:

1.  Developing and productizing your services portfolio.

2.  Developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for onboarding and managing customers.

3.  Developing, maintaining and refining compensation models for your sales team.

4.  Finding, retaining and rewarding the right talent.

Notice #1 and #2 depend on having an Accountability Culture with the right people on your team.  Again, the need for great employees and a strong company culture is no longer an option in today's competitive marketplace.  It is a requirement in all industries.

We teach these skills in our LEADERSHIP Essentials Service and Academy.  Prepare now by developing an Accountability Culture in your organization.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / He Bet It All


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