Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability Culture #1

Day 38
Yesterday I did a webinar sponsored by Autotask titled, What's Your Return on Accountability(video here).  Email me if you want a copy of the PPT deck, which is designed to be scanned in less than 5 minutes.

During that event I launched a program to develop an Accountability Culture with up to 10 companies between now and year-end.  We already have sign-ups.  Email me if you are interested.  I am the coach working with you in this program.  The final signup date for new companies is next Friday or when the program sells out.

Over the next six business days I'm going to give you five tips on developing an Accountability Culture that you can do on your own rather than outsource the work to us and gain from our insights in this area that we have developed over the past 11 years.

The first step has three key parts and a lot of discussion / thought:

1.  Company Culture Assessment:  This is a 20 question survey and follow-up discussion about your leadership and client experience.  Email me if you want a free copy.  Our Clients complete this before our Kick-off Call.  It provides quick insights into an organizations current Accountability Culture.

2.  Strengths/Weaknesses Snapshot:  Where is your business today?  What are the biggest pain points?  Having worked with hundreds of companies I ask questions that vary based on the Client.  The key is to identify where your strengths and weaknesses are, and what are your most costly pain points.

3.  Goals:  Where do you want to be by year-end and beyond?  Is it clear, measurable, realistic, and what systematic accountability is in place to get you there?  Obviously this discussion also varies greatly based on the Client's objectives.  We want to see a strong R.O.A. ("Return on Accountability") by year-end, and a lot of measurable progress in July-September.

And do not forget... IT IS FRIDAY!  A basic part of an Accountability Culture is following-up on your weekly 3 Strands to confirm you made progress on your most important 2013 goals this week.  If you are using a daily W.I.N., then how did you do yesterday?  What's your plan today?

Do not forget to hold your people accountable too.

The daily W.I.N. almost sounds like a scratch-off lottery ticket, doesn't it?  The beauty of the system is that if you really focus on your weekly 3 Strands and daily W.I.N. the payout is millions of dollars more than a lottery ticket.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / FREE 20MC Video/Audio/PPT


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Apply Accountability Now