Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / 3 Strands / W.I.N. Tip

Day 34
I have one employee who has struggled with our 3 Strands system.  This is surprising because for most people the 3 Strands is easier than a daily W.I.N....  

The challenge for this employee is his 3 Strands seems to overwhelm him a bit.  He does not make much progress on Monday.  This puts additional "fear of failure" pressure on him on Tuesday.  By Wednesday he is totally behind and gives up trying.

The past result:  He gets down about his lack of performance and failing the team.

The remedy:  We agree on what he will work on each day at the start of his day.  I touch base with him around midday to see how he's doing, and at the end of the day.

The NEW result:  He is VERY productive.

Soon we will restart the 3 Strands system for him, but always continue with the daily W.I.N.  Why stop something that is working so well?

It is Friday!  Another day to be thankful...  and hold yourself and your team accountable so they are fulfilled in their careers (not short-term jobs) with your company.

What needs to happen for you and your team to complete your 3 Strands?

How are you doing with your daily W.I.N.'s?

Have you scheduled your Sanctuarytime before Monday's start of business to confirm this week's achievements and plan your next BOLD MOVES?

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Return on Accountability


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Clean-up Time