Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Be on a Mission

Day 32
In my book, The Company Culture Challenge, I pose a question from Dan Polatta:

Do you have a mission statement, or are you on a mission?

Let's keep building on our assessment of our leadership:

Last Friday:  Are you the Chief Energy Officer of your company?  If not, why?

Yesterday:  Are you a Coach and Challenger for your people?  If not, why?

The two most important things we do as leaders are:

#1:  Give people meaningful work to do that touches their heart, and thus motivates them to do their best.  You want them on a mission to improve...

#2:  Value people as members of our team.

As you reflect on your leadership style this week (and beyond), here is one simple way to touch people's hearts more effectively so they motivate themselves to be their best:

Have great, true stories of your clients whose lives are improved by your products and services...  and be able to explain how each person in your firm contributed to that client's success.

This is easy for my team.  We help Bad Bosses become GREAT Leaders.

How can you focus your employees on how their work is making the world a better place?  Be on a mission.  It is more fun, inspiring, and fulfilling for everyone on your team.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Clean-up Time


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Challenger - Coach - Creator