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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Strong As An Oak

Day 10
I spent several hours pruning a few of our oak trees this past Saturday.  There are many ways an oak tree can be used to represent GREAT leadership.  Let me give you one that may surprise you.

Although much of my pruning was live limbs of the trees, an equal if not greater amount of my pruning was dead branches.  Most of the dead ones where not very long, but they were abundant.  The dead ones were also all over the branches - top, bottom, left and right.

Apparently oak trees were designed to pilot growth in many directions and then let the strongest survive.  It is interesting, because at a glance many of the dead ones should have done as well as the strongest of the other limbs. 

Some of the most popular words of advice I give lately are, "Leaders do not announce new programs often, but rather new pilot programs.  No Idea of the Week Club.  No major changes set in concrete on a whim, but rather flexible test programs for one week, two weeks, a month or 90 days. 

Then invest prudently in new pilot programs only for the pilot period.  If it achieves results, then "water it" some more.  Always be trying a reasonable number of pilots.  Make major changes only when your pilots fully take hold and have proven themselves worthy.

Then someday your company make be as strong as an oak tree.

Accountability:  It's MONDAY!  Have you taken your Sanctuary time to review your 3 Strands of last week and defined your key objectives for this week?

If you are doing a daily W.I.N. or your people are reporting their W.I.N. to you, start the week strong:

Do NOT just "rubber stamp" anything you write down or that is sent to you.  Consider whether their 3 Strands and W.I.N. align with the 2013 Goals That Work of each person, including yourself.
Have a great week.

Let me know if I can help.
Thank You.

Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.
David Russell, CEO