Last week I encouraged you to ask 5 people to define you with one word. 
Did you do it?  I did.
I actually asked more than five people.  They were business peers, clients, friends and family.  Here is what I learned (and then what they said):
1.  I appreciated many of the words they used to define me.  I thanked everyone who responded.
2.  I found the words that seemed negative to be slightly more helpful in focusing my behaviors moving forward although the affirmation of what I'm doing "right" was great.  (People who do not understand what truly motivates me might find these most interesting.)
3.  I would agree with all the words to a degree.
4.  No one said the word that I would like people to use to define or describe me. (No, I'm not sharing that except possibly 1:1.)
For the purpose of motivating you to try this exercise I share the responses to my request.  Here is how others describe me, in order of response (some people gave two words):
  • Imaginative
  • Gracious
  • Loyal
  • Focused
  • Hardworking
  • Revolutionary
  • Go-getter
  • Impulsive or impetuous (I get to choose)
  • Perfectionist & Distracted (Someone I respect recently encouraged me to focus more on MANAGEtoWIN and this second word validates his advice.)
  • Intense
  • Driven
I encourage you to try this exercise.  It can be awakening and an encouragement to focus more on what is most important to you.
You Are An Intentional Leader.
David Russell, CEO
You can do this as an individual, as I did.  You can do this as a group.  You can do this exercise with clients...  You can alternate how you do it quarterly...  There are lots of options.
(I gave you a meeting idea last week...)
The bottom line:  Try this exercise if you are willing to consider the feedback and if you will ask people who will be candid.
Here is the email I sent out (you can certainly draft your own):
I'm doing an exercise of defining myself and would like your input.
If you were to describe me in one word, what would that word be?  It's up to you to provide any explanation.  Please be totally candid and give me the word that first comes to mind that describes me to you, even if it may not be encouraging.
Thank you!
Let us know if you need any help.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.




Describe or Define You