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20 Mile Failure

Before I forget...  if you are not already registered for our 20 Mile Challenge webinar series, then register today for our March 19th webinar when Paul Dippellof Service Leadership will be adding his thoughts on how to apply 20 Mile Challenge performance metrics as we wrap-up the First Discpline.

Two months are gone today for 2013.  Wow.  That was fast.  Are you methodically achieving your 20 Mile Challenge each week to make this year your best ever?

Or like Robert Falcon Scott, the explorer competing with Roald Amundsen to be first to discover the South Pole, are you...

   - Missing sales targets

   - Still struggling with staff productivity

   - Continuing to lack focus on key objectives

If you are frustrated in any of these three areas then 2013 may turn out to be your 20 Mile Failure.  But, you say, "That's not me!  We are rockin'!"

GREAT!  Either way, there are still challenges ahead.  Here are some simple suggestions based on my 20 Mile Challenge webinar last week:

1.  Listen to our webinars.  It is too late to view our 20 Mile Challenge webinar live and the limited release of the recorded version unless you are one of our LEADERSHIP Essentials Academy members, but you can subscribe to our FREE audio version (or join our Academy for the videos and notes).

1.  Start iTunes

2.  Go to File / Subscribe to Podcast

3.  Enter this link:

2.  Complete the homework.  We applied Jim Collins' GREAT by Choice conclusions to developing and sustaining a 10Xer Company Culture in last week's webinar.  I recommend you discuss the three applications of Amundsen's philosophy with your team. 

     -  Identify 1-3 areas of your strengths
     -  Identify 1-3 areas of your weaknesses
     -  Schedule one action you can realistically take over the next 90 days to improve in each of those areas

BE REALISTIC.  It is better to get one action done well, then three actions attempted poorly.


You Are An Intentional Leader.

David Russell, CEO