Disagree with Collins

Do not miss today's 20 Mile Challenge webinar at 1:00 p.m. PST

Jim Collins is brilliant in his analysis of GREAT companies, yet in the 2nd Step of our 20 Mile Challenge where we apply his conclusions with clients there is one area where I disagree.

On page 38 of GREAT by Choice Jim Collins asks readers, "What can you do to turn your weakest 10Xer behavior into your strongest?"

I think that is the wrong question, but first some context.

In our 2nd Step Webinar - How to Become a 10X Leader, we walk through Collins' three behaviors of a 10X leader:

1.  Fanatic Discipline

2.  Empirical Creativity

3.  Productive Paranoia

It is too late to view our 20 Mile Challenge webinar live and the limited release of the recorded version unless you are one of our LEADERSHIP EssentialsAcademy members, but you can subscribe to our FREE audio version (or join our Academy for the videos and notes).

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We also explore Collins' Level 5 Leader core for these behaviors.

Where do I disagree with Jim Collins?  Based on my work with ConnectWise partners and other Clients, the results are clear:  You will achieve more by developing your weaknesses only to a level where they are competitive - or drop them altogether, if they are products, services or employees who will never meet your standards.

Instead, focus on developing your strengths further to achieve your dreams.  For more insights, listen to the free podcasts or subscribe to our services.
You Are An Intentional Leader.
David Russell, CEO
Here are some discussion ideas for you and your team:
1.  Which of the three 10Xer behaviors are our strength as a company and the three most important reasons why?
2.  What is the possible increase in profit, marketshare... of further leveraging our strengths to grow?
3. Why are the other two 10Xer behaviors our weakness?
4.  What would it take to develop our two weak 10Xer behaviors to a level where they are competitive versus the cost / benefit of eliminating them?
5.  What three actions can we take as a pilot for 30 days and if successful, extend to a 90 day pilot to focus more on our strengths and improve in our areas of weaknesses?
6.  OPTION:  Go through this same exercise for each person individually. 
David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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