This Tuesday, February 5th, I will do my second of 20 FREE webinars for the 20 Mile Challenge based on my leadership teachings and Jim Collins' latest book, GREAT by Choice. I hope you join us!
My brother Phil has been on his own "20 Mile Challenge" for over 13 years. He has been battling leukemia. Recently he was told by his doctors that the battle is over. The cancer has passed through his skull to his brain and his time is short - weeks or months.
I love my brother, but this note is about you. It is for leaders everywhere who have the blessing of my brother's reminder to live life to its fullest by positively impacting the lives of others.
One of Phil's many writings is One Thousand Steps. You can find it on my blog. Here is a paragraph to ponder:
"Through the lens of history, our heroes are men and women who trod roads and trails less traveled, roads and trails full up with uncertainty and shadow, but who did so with great vigor, even in the midst of anguish, pain, and doubt. In the end they and countless others gave truth to the coinage 'There is no free lunch,' for every day begins with one thousand steps, and ends with one thousand more, with many thousands in between."
1. My brother was in awesome health, a strapping 205 pounds. "Overnight" he was diagnosed with leukemia and lost 50 pounds in one month. 
What is your 20 Mile Challenge so when the unexpected hits you have peace that you have accomplished what is truly most important rather than just urgent in life?
2. My brother's greatest gift is relationships. There was an "I'm Still Here" party for him last Saturday. The meeting hall was jam packed with about 100 people. The stories were about how Phil had touched their lives in business, at church, and in their personal lives. He was shocked at the turnout as people flew in from all over the country to say goodbye to their friend and family member.
If you do not define your 20 Mile Challenges then your thousand steps may be taking you to destinations that only live with you, instead of after you are gone from this earth. Is that really what you want?
3. "There is no free lunch." Either you have the discipline to pursue a clear path, or you die on the journey like Robert Falcon Scott, the loser of the race to the South Pole.
"...for every day begins with one thousand steps, and ends with one thousand more, with many thousands in between..."
I know far too many ConnectWise partners and other executives who are not fully developing their strengths as leaders. Whether you participate in our programs - the 20 Mile Challenge or LEADERSHIP Essentials - or you work with someone else, please focus yourself to make the most of your time.
You will always have new opportunities to make money, be admired, or play.
You will never have another opportunity to live the moments of today in ways that change the lives of others forever - your spouse, children, friends, people in your community, your coworkers, and clients.
Do NOT let another year go by. Commit to develop your strengths as a leader in a disciplined program. Carpe diem!
You Are An Intentional Leader.
David Russell, CEO
I apologize if this is a bit heavy challenge leading into your weekend. My only suggestion is that you discuss this with your leadership team, spouse, mentor...
1. If I were to be diagnosed with cancer today, or die in an accident, have I accomplished what is truly important to me in life? 
2. Are my relationships with the people I love as strong as they could be?
3. How many people do I have as really close friends, and am I investing enough time in those relationships as an individual and a couple (if you are married)?
4. What will be my legacy?
Contact us if you need a sounding board.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.



One Thousand Steps