Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / 3 Mandela Lessons

Day 96

Here are three lessons I encourage you to consider from Nelsen Mandela:

1.  Forgive Early and Often.  Nelson Mandela never would have  positively impacted the lives of millions of people without first forgiving others who were not worthy of forgiveness.  Billions of people worldwide this month celebrate the birthday of another person who did the same.

2.  Tenacity Instead of Persistence.  Nelson Mandela made a lot of mistakes, even after his release from prison.  However he demonstrated tenacity, which is applying what you learn as you keep trying.  Tenacity is wiser than simple persistence, which is just to keep trying..  As a naturally persistent person, I have validated this truth too often in my past.

3.  Humble Inspiration.  Truly GREAT Leaders inspire others humbly through their pursuit of truth, willingness to speak out against evil, and their vision for solutions that replace lies.  

I am thankful for Nelson Mandela.

P.S.  Tomorrow is your chance to hear Rex Frank of Sea Level Operations explain, The Top 5 Operational Mistakes (of a managed service provider).  It is fantastic.  The live session is at 11:00 a.m. PST on December 11th.  Register here.  Even if you cannot attend we will be emailing links to the video and audio versions of the webinar to all registered attendees.

IT IS TUESDAY.  How did you do on your 3Strands last week?

Most of us only have 9 more work days this month where we can interact with Clients and vendors.  Therefore clearing defining and achieving your 3Strands this week and next week is VERY important.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Christmas Leadership Lesson #2 of 3


Christmas Leadership Lesson #1 of 3