Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Death Rate

Day 86

"I checked just this morning and the death rate is still 100%," said Bill Hybels recently.

His point, which I encourage you to embrace:  Pursue a legacy that will last rather than just build your business.  This may require you to stop, take Sanctuary time, and confirm you are spending your time doing what will be meaningful to you on your deathbed.

Ask yourself these three questions:

Are your employees fully engaged? If not, then how can you become a better leader?

Your employees' lack of engagement is not their fault.  You hired them.  You manage them, hold them accountable, develop and retain them.  FIRST eliminate your BAD BOSS habits, then employees will deliver astounding results.

Are you managing "to the people" or "to the numbers?"  Managing "to the people" yields higher results and is more sustainable than managing "to the numbers."

Why?  Because in a tight spot fully engaged employees outperform people pursuing financial metrics alone.  Hint:  "Tight spots" happen almost daily.

Is time your problem - you just do not have time to improve your leadership habits?

Do not let 10-25 years pass using this excuse.  Become a better leader and you will also learn how to better apply your strengths in less time.

IT IS MONDAY.  How did you do on your 3Strands last week?  Have you defined your NEXT BOLD MOVES (3Strands) for this week?

P.S.  It is ironic that the day I write this is Day 86 of these Accountability newsletters, when "86'd" is slang for killing an idea.

Let me know if you need help.  I will be at IT Nation if you want to meet.  Stop by our booth or email me in advance to schedule time to talk.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / How To Be A Change Agent


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