Please Vote For Us!

We have entered a contest to raise funds to develop software to help you be a better leader and end human trafficking.

As a friend and/or colleague, would you please vote for us?

Would you also please forward this email to others to ask them to vote for us?

Post on Facebook, Tweet, LinkedIn, your communities...  we appreciate any help we can get.  We have to get at least 250 votes to participate in the contest.

Here is how we answered their Questionnaire.  For some reason, they do not display these answers on our profile where you vote.

1.  Tell us about your business.  What inspired you to start your business?  How is your business successful?  What makes it unique?

In 2002 Dave realized that he had leadership tendencies, but not skills.  He has now spent 11 years developing a LEADERSHIP Essentials system that can transform anyone into an effective leader.  Our work is unique for three reasons:   (1) We teach Systematic Leadership to people who have never been trained how to be effective managers;  (2)  We serve two primary markets:  I.T. entrepreneurs and nonprofits;  and (3) our company is 50% owned by a nonprofit dedicated to help end human trafficking.

2.  How is your business involved with the community you serve?

We donate consulting services, coaching, and MANAGEtoWIN software to small nonprofits (less than 50 employees with unlimited volunteers) that are involved in helping people out of human trafficking.  We also coach, consult, and serve other nonprofits as time permits.  Dave Russell also mentors some high school young men on leadership and at times provides complimentary coaching services to entrepreneurs who are unable to pay.

3.   What would a $250,000 grant mean to your business and how will you utilize the funds to ensure long-term growth and stability?

We have identified 10 new or enhanced areas of functionality for our HR software and services that will create new monthly recurring revenue for our business and better serve our nonprofit Clients.  One of these areas may be patentable.  The funds will be applied to developing this functionality, plus hiring two sales and two support people.  Our goal is to close 300 new small business clients, which increases our monthly recurring revenue to exceed operating expenses including additional staff.

4.   What challenges can you identify for your business, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Our biggest hurdle is funding development of expanded functionality and a mobile version of our software.  This changes our services from a nice-to-have to a must-have and enables us to succeed for three reasons:   (1) MANAGEtoWIN will become the standard HR platform for IT entrepreneurs;  (2)  LEADERSHIP Essentials will become more automated and scalable for any business or nonprofit organization;  and (3) we will provide small anti-trafficking nonprofits a donation generation engine.

5.   Describe the talent and skill of your employees, and how they contribute to a successful business.

We share a passion to rid the world of Bad Bosses and human trafficking.  Our Director of Client Services has over 30 years business and nonprofit experience;  our Director of Consulting Services has over 10 years of HR, franchise, and business experience;  our lead Product Manager demonstrates the best attributes of Generation Y in his passion for perfection;  and Dave Russell applies his 40 years of business experience to build a strong company culture while serving others.

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Monday Madness


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / J.D. Rockefeller