Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Client Performance Metrics

Day 81

Systematic Leaders track metrics to confirm their objectives are being reached.  The question is, which metrics are the most important?

Answer:  The metrics that relate to Client satisfaction and performance to meet or exceed Client expectations.

Not impressed?  Then ponder this one:  When do employees qualify as "Clients?"

Suggestion:  If you are not fully engaging your employees then your company's performance against external Clients metrics will be inconsistent or profits less than ideal.

IT IS MONDAY, another blessed day for your Accountability Culture.

1.  Have you spent some Sanctuary time to review your 3Strands of last week and plan your next BOLD MOVES (a new set of 3Strands) for this week?

2.  Did you consider the performance of your direct reports against their 3Strands?

3.  You might want to consider a review of your metrics, as I encourage above.

Let me know if you need help with some LEADERSHIP Essentials. We have a special offer than ends this Friday you may want to consider.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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