I hope you worked on your Big Hairy Audacious Goals or Miracle Goals last month as I encouraged. (See my blog.)
We all want perfection. We try to define it. We strive for it. We get frustrated when we cannot achieve it.
But what if, as John Eldredge says in his recent book Beautiful Outlaw, we are not designed to be perfect? If we want to be honest about life, this is true. Humans are "perfect" in the sense we can be complete physical, emotional, spiritual beings... but not as people without flaws.
THE QUESTION: How does this affect the way we lead others?
This is significant because we cannot accept poor work, uninspiring relationships with our team, and weak client experiences yet we cannot be "perfect" on our own.
Here are some ideas on how to overcome our imperfections to enjoy work more and be the best we can be:
1. Work together. Other people's imperfections are different than yours so by working with others who are different than you - and have different work/life experiences - you compensate for the gaps in your wisdom.
This is why we strongly encourage you to coach like we have in our 20 Mile Challenge coaching program. Then you can be guided by an expert and held accountable to achieve GREAT.
2. Slow down. You have "climbed the mountain of success" even if you have only achieved what feels like a "few steps from the bottom." Slowing down gives time for perspective and gap analysis. It helps you avoid slipping back to the absolute bottom!
Often you identify a less risky, "better" way to do something. Tasha Hepburn, MANAGEtoWIN's VP of Sales hammers me on this from time to time. (This is the hardest one for me.)
Slow down... just do not stop. This is another good reason to invest in a coach. For instance, when one of our coaches helps a Client avoid just one mistake we often have saved the Client more than one year's coaching fees.
3. Expect Problems. Our first session of The 20 Mile Challenge for ConnectWise Partners is focused on How to Transform an Unpredictable Future into our Destiny.
You may not know exactly what is going to happen, but you can be confident there will be problems. You have heard of Murphy's Law? ("Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.") Well, many of us can argue that Murphy was an optimist.
The key is to identify potential problems and plan for them so you can race through a disaster with minimal damage as a star athlete moves through the opposition to score.
Again, a reason to invest in a coach. The experience of our coaches helps you avoid the full cost of problems, and often avoid many issues altogether.
These are 3 steps to compensate for our imperfection. One simple conclusion is to get a coach. I often have one. Being coached helps me lead our people and live a life that is much closer to GREAT than I would ever achieve on my own.
To be candid, a great coach has been the most profitable "insurance policy" / investment I have ever made. My coaches have significantly improved my life and career.
You Are An Intentional Leader.
David Russell, CEO
Here is one approach to considering how to achieve "perfection" as a team of imperfect people:
1. Attend our FREE webinars about the 20 Mile Challenge whether you are a ConnectWise partner or not. They will be happening about every two weeks leading up to IT Nation in November.
NOTE: I would love to have our experienced coaches help you really GROW your business, but if you are not ready for that type of growth personally and professionally then at least attend the webinars. 
The 20 Mile Challenge webinars are produced once for the public and our LEADERSHIP Essentials Academy members can download the audio files and watch the videos multiple times... plus get training on how to become great leaders.
2. Meet with your team to make a list, in order of most perfect to least perfect, of the ten most significant aspects of your business. Have regular discussions about the unexpected problems that could affect each item on the list and decide how to prepare for it, if you want to prepare at all.
Again, consider a coach who has "been there, done that."
A great coach can help you avoid many problems.
3. Slow down? Yes, we all want to expand our success faster, but have a candid discussion with your team about where you can slow down. It may be as simple as writing a newsletter a week in advance (ouch!). More often it involves significant decisions that are getting pushed back again and again.
Contact us if you are interested in more information.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.



B.H.A.G. vs. M.G.