
Coach Don Nava of The Totally Fit Life is working with me to shed some of my negative habits, develop my strengths, and learn new habits to become the man I would truly like to be. At 55 years old this work is a bit late, but I love it!

There is one aspect of this work that anyone can apply in their life: Dictums.

WHY should you care? Dictums can strengthen your ability to improve yourself as a leader and motivate your people to make decisions that are consistent with your company values.

We all have subconscious messages that encourage us to live with integrity and joy, or assault our desire to live a meaningful life with destructive lies. This one-on-one combat is ongoing and individual. Although we can learn from others how to win this contest day-in and day-out, ultimately we fight on our own.

For leaders, who impact the lives of hundreds, thousands, and even millions of other people, our "self-talk" can be the tipping point between living a life of purpose and one of despair. For instance,

When you wake up in the morning, what are your first thoughts?

As you are driving or walking, what messages are bursting into your brain?

When you are challenged with a decision, by a person, or involved in a situation requiring immediate action, what are you hearing your soul speak?

Coach Nava says: "A dictum is a positive statement used to reprogram your subconscious mind. Coach Nava will develop and amend dictums to address a participant's specific need to change any unhealthy thinking pattern and/or to reinforce specific life goals that they want to achieve. A new set of dictums are developed and provided every 10 weeks."

My suggestion is to use dictums as a way to reinforce the core messages of your brain so when you are challenged, your foundation is stronger and you thus can respond more capably. Dictums are read aloud each morning. Here are some of my Cycle 1 dictums from the Coach (I have removed the spiritual ones, which are very important):

I think about whatever is true
I choose to live in good health
I like myself
My body is strong
I work on my life goals daily
I think about whatever is pure
... (There are 21 Cycle 1 Dictums)

See the Meeting Ideas for application suggestions.

Be an Intentional, Systematic, Servant Leader.

Success With People, Inc.

The following is an outline you can use, or improve, to discuss the value of dictums for individuals on your team or as a group. The use of dictums should be voluntary. This discussion should be to inform and encourage, rather than mandate participation.

1. Contact Coach Nava directly for his brochure that lists his Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 dictums. You can share these with your group.

2. Discuss your company culture cornerstones - Mission (why you are in business), Values (how you do business), and Vision (where you are going as an organization). Could you and your people develop better habits so you all would live out your company culture cornerstones more consistently?

3. What are the key behaviors you want to develop?

Step #1: Decide what types of behaviors you want to encourage. Coach Nava's list is Physical, Directional, Nutritional, Emotional, and Mental. These surround the core behavior, which is Spiritual. You decide what is your core and what surrounds it.

Step #2: Create a list of up to 21 dictums that is a balance the positive statements you want to train yourself/yourselves to believe so in turn you develop "better" habits.

4. Do a pilot. Start by asking everyone to say your dictums aloud for a week. Maybe you will want to edit them before completing a 70 day pilot to evaluate how stating dictums aloud each morning helps people become more productive, profitable, and personally fulfilled in your organization.

Let me know if you want help developing dictums for your organization. Or send me your drafts for comment.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


