You Are Not Qualified

He was self-educated.  He failed in business.  As a matter of fact, he was still paying off debts when he died.  He lost elections to the U.S. Senate.  He had a relatively quiet demeanor.  His wife was a nut case.

Would you hire this guy?

This man was Abraham Lincoln, who served as the 16th President of the United States of America and is widely respected as one of the three greatest leaders we have ever had.

Why do I bring this up now, during Christmas?

Because President Lincoln could have believed others who said he was unqualified to be a great leader, but he did not.  I believe Lincoln took the time to clarify his vision, reinvigorate his healthy passion for his country, and maintain his perseverance on what would drive the greatest results.

Did President Lincoln know from experience how to stop slavery?  No.

Did President Lincoln know from experience how to reunite a nation that split and was amidst a civil war?  No.

Did President Lincoln know from experience how to persevere under extremely stressful conditions?  Yes.  Because the foundation of his vision for America was his faith in the Christ child of this season.  Based on his faith, he had a sacrificial love for his country and a vision to leverage the talents of others to reunite America against all odds.

1.  As you prepare for 2012, remind yourself of your passion to serve your clients, employees, and/or business in general.

2.  Decide what you love to do the most that can help your company achieve your vision to serve others.  Set clear, measurable Goals That Work, and plan now to prioritize time in 2012 to leverage your strengths.

3.  PAUSE and THINK:  You may not be qualified to achieve your 2012 vision, but you will succeed because of your preparation, passion, and persistence.

THE OTHER QUESTION:  Which of your employees is not qualified based on their past, but with mentoring you could tap their full potential? 

Maybe these people should be part of your leadership team's 2012 plan too.
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Get away to think on your own.  Then meet with others to get input on your plans.  Do not rush this process.  It is not a one hour pause.  It is a day or more without distractions.

Here are some ideas for your individual Sanctuary time (alone time) or meeting with your group to confirm your 2012 objectives.

1.  Make certain your team understands how to write Goals That Work.  See my recent book, The Company Culture Challenge or email me.

2.  Confirm your passion to serve others - who, what, why, and how.

3.  Confirm what you like to do the most that enables you to transform the lives of clients, employees, vendors, and your community.

4.  What can you realistically achieve that you are "not qualified" to accomplish in 2012?  Why and how?

5.  Who at your firm should be mentored because they have the aptitude to succeed even though they may not have the experience or successful past you prefer.

6.  You only can accomplish so much in 2012.  Narrow your list to 3 BIG WINS.  They can be professional and personal.  Either way those wins will probably drive other successes.

7.  Offer your goals as "drafts" to your team.  Ask how the goals can be more realistic, clear, or measurable.  Seek how they can help.  Get them to take part-ownership in your pursuit of this meaningful work in 2012.

Then enjoy the journey.

If you need help, contact me.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Wonderful Life


Ticked Off Journal