Let's talk about your 2011 key objectives. Are your plans like a machine or a tree? actually has 11 definitions for the word "machine" when used as a noun. Consider just a few of them:

1. an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: A sewing machine...

2. any complex agency or operating system: The machine of government.

3. an organized group of persons that conducts or controls the activities of a political party or organization: He heads the Democratic machine in our city.

4. a person or thing that acts in a mechanical or automatic manner: Routine work had turned her into a machine...

Bottom line: A machine has interrelated parts or people that conducts or controls or performs work in a mechanical or automatic manner. A machine is also static, and cannot increases its capability to achieve greater results without adding parts. You can be successful by building your organization like a machine and most leaders manage their company in this manner.

I suggest that moving into 2011 you consider your company and how you're pursuing your key objectives from the perspective of growing a tree rather than upgrading a machine.

From "Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because of their prevention of erosion... the provision of a weather-sheltered ecosystem in and under their foliage. They also play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as moderating ground temperatures. They are also elements in landscaping and agriculture, both for their aesthetic appeal and their orchard crops (such as apples). Wood from trees is a building material, as well as a primary energy source in many developing countries. Trees also play a role in many of the world's mythologies..."

A tree starts as a seed and then extends itself as a seedling with roots ever reaching for more nutrients and water. These roots and the lower trunk of the tree form a firm foundation for it to grow. Rather than struggle with the compatibility of add-ons like a machine, a tree grows with consistency because each new extension organically builds upon previously established strengths.

The image of a tree often represents health, life and future hope. I suggested it can also represent a well-managed business that extends itself energetically, passionately, and in a manner that is consistent with the core organizational values of the company so employees are fully engaged and customer's expectations are often exceeded.

See the Meeting Ideas section for questions to ponder. I encourage you to build upon your strengths in 2011, as a tree extends itself from its core, rather than try to bolt-on something to your organization that carries greater risk.


TREE OR MACHINE is an encouragement to ponder exactly what you intend to pursue in 2011 as your key objectives. Consider extending your organization based on its strengths to lower your risk of failure and increase your probability of success. Get your people involved! I encourage you to pose these questions to your team, advisers and yourself prior to finalizing your plans for the new year.

1. What are our company's core values? (Do they need to

be more clearly defined?)

(a)Where are we not demonstrating our core values in our actions and communications?

(b) Where are we best at demonstrating our core values through our actions and communications and therefore should invest more resources in these areas to more rapidly grow our company?

2. In order of their ability to impact positive results, what are the three greatest strengths of our organization?

(a)How can our strengths be better applied to create new opportunities, lower costs and increase profits?

3. Where are we operating like a machine where we have bolted-on people, products and services that are partially or totally incompatible with our core values and therefore not performing up to our standards?

(a) What realistically can be done in the first three months of 2011 to improve the performance of these people or activities?

(b)What are the clear, measurable standards for acceptable performance of these activities that must be met during the first three months of 2011 for us to continue to invest our people and resources in them?

4. Where are we operating like a tree where we are extending people, products and services from our strengths yet they could be performing much better?

(a)What realistically can be done in the first three months of 2011 to improve the performance of these people or activities?

(b)What are the clear, measurable standards for acceptable performance of these activities that must be met during the first three months of 2011 for us to confirm we are getting the most from our people and resources?

5. What is the single most influential activity our leaders do that leads our company to grow from our strengths in a manner that is consistent with our core values?

NOTE: I suggest the answer to #5 is when you fully engage your employees and peers. Let me know if we can help your team make 2011 your best year ever.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

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